Dr. Angela Davis and Dr. Vincent Harding


Sunday, August 24 - 2:00 pm           Mercury Café, 2199 California St.

Spirit of Struggle -- Our Work for Liberation Continues

A videotape of a dialogue between these two celebrated civil rights activists. This event occurred in Denver to commemorate the Loretto Community's 200th year Jubilee.

Moderator: Brother Jeff

$5 suggested donation

Dr. Angela Davis: Scholar, political activist, educator. In the late 1960s Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California, tried to have her banned from teaching anywhere in the state of California. He failed. Recently Davis retired from the University of California at San Diego. Committed to the prison rights movement and calls for the abolition of the prison-industrial complex.

The late Dr. Vincent Harding: Historian, political activist, educator. Close ally of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Wrote the first draft of King's renowned speech opposing the Vietnam War at Riverside Church, New York City. Harding was the first Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Central for Social Change, and was the Founding Director of the Institute of the Black World, both based in Atlanta. Retired from the Iliff School of Theology, based at the University of Denver.

This event is sponsored by the Colorado Committee on Africa and the Caribbean, Critical Social Issues and the Service Learning Center at Regis University.

Contact: (303) 329-5881

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